What The Students Say about DMA!

We can post and tweet and chat and flood your email inboxes with newsletters telling you about all the ways the George N Parks Drum Major Academy® will benefit both the students who attend and the directors who send them.  But why write about it when you can SEE it and HEAR what the students who’ve attended have to say!


More To Explore

Two Types of Band Member - Rob Hammerton.

There Are 2 Kinds of Band Members

Benjy is a character in a story told by DMA’s great friend Dr. Tim Lautzenheiser. Benjy was the terrified freshman who was ready to quit

Drum Major Leadership: Me vs We.

Are you I-Me or We-Us?

Heidi is one of our Lead Clinicians for the George N. Parks Drum Major Academy. In her “spare time,” she’s a Professor of Music and