Sam and the students got the morning started with a bang. I don’t think they knew that ‘rock:paper:scissors’ could be so interactive. After warm-ups, DMA-Utah had Day 1 of Squamps. Squad 3 took the first competition but it was a close one. I am sure that things could change tomorrow morning. The rehearsals for Day 2 squamps were quite ‘entense!’
The afternoon was filled with the next level of conducting. Emotions were running up and down like roller coasters as Parker and the students worked on the legato conducting patterns. We will take it a step further tomorrow.
It was hype night after dinner and the intensity was electric. Medusa showed her ugly head and the group fought back at a new level.
The students were brought to their feet numerous times during a performance from the UMass Marching Band. They had the opportunity to see how all of the tools they have learned at DMA can be put to extrordinary use in a marching band situation.
Resting up for tomorrow’s last full day, which by the way ends with Corps Encore.