That “together” group. Yet another successful day at DMA – UTAH. We have jumped deep into patterns and additional conducting materials. The students have adapted quite well to the new commands, both calling and responding. With such a compact group, we had the opportunity to keep the afternoon modules a little larger and we only separated into two small groups so we could concentrate on large group conducting. Everyone seemed to really enjoy the format.
Tonight we were bombarded with other group trying to use the awesome turf field, but as drum majors know majors outrank the captains. That meant that the mighty giants of the gridiron had to move on down the road because we needed the command of the entire field.
Squad competition is well on its way and it will be here before anyone knows it. Conley Weston was our march off winner for the night. Turns out that Conley is from the same school as Phil so…
Plain City, UT – 2: DMA – 0. Girls put up a better chance tonight. I am sure they are saving their best for the final demo.
Resting up for the hype of the century. and remember kids… don’t try this at home; it only happens at DMA!
More to come tomorrow.