What an incredible weather-packed winter everyone had! It does not matter where you live, the winter of 2013-2014 was pretty brutal in all parts of the world. But winter is (we all hope!) finally over. Spring flowers are popping up all over people’s yards. Trees are budding. And the pollen count is off.the.scale! (Sorry….got carried away…) In just about two months the George N. Parks Drum Major Academy® will bring another summer of workshops to a college campus near you!!
During the fall, winter and spring, our staff–98% of which are music educators–are busy with their respective professional and personal lives. While DMA is never far from their minds, it does take a small back seat. This is, of course, the best possible situation for our company! Why, you ask? The answer is simple: DMA Staff members ‘walk the talk!’ This means they practice what they preach–they apply the DMA pedagogue within their own programs and lives. In short, DMA Staff is not a job–it is a lifestyle.
But enough methodology for the moment–how about I give you a small inside look “behind the scenes” of DMA Springtime Prep?
There is much to do before everyone takes to the road. Here’s a short list of some of the chaos!
- Online Registration must be updated and “launched.”
- DMA Brochures must be updated, printed and mailed to schools across the nation.
- DMA Staff must be contracted.
- DMA IMPACT TEAM must be selected.
- Equipment must be re-inventoried and prepared for shipping……a project in and of itself!
- Textbooks and Workshops must be updated and ordered.
All of this and much more takes place during the proverbial off-season in order to provide YOU with the best possible experience available at a summer student leadership workshop! George Parks had a dream and he succeeded in achieving that dream! We are privileged and honored to continue providing the same time tested experience for you–with the same care, continuous reflective evaluation, and sound philosophical approach for which DMA has always been known! Companies come and go, philosophies and approaches change–but the George N. Parks Drum Major Academy® remains at the forefront of the industry.
We cannot wait to see YOU this summer!