The DMA IMPACT TEAM has been around for over 20 years. It was created as an opportunity for high school graduates and college students to continue their growth as leaders, and to spend extra time working “behind the scenes” with the DMA Professional Staff, thus providing each Team member with an opportunity to learn more about “the why” of it all.
Many IMPACT TEAM members have gone on to become part of the Professional Staff–this is never a guarantee, meaning a person does not simply “move up the ladder” to a staff position because they were members of the IMPACT TEAM–but some staff members can be traced back to their days as an IMPACT within the company.
When this program was conceived…..on a chairlift one January at Killington Ski Resort in Vermont (some DMA trivia for all of you)….George Parks set it up as a trial situation for the DMA @ UMASS. Over time he expanded it to some of the other locations–never really sure it would take off but always hoping there would be interest.
There is no doubt in my mind that if he were here today he would be ecstatic to know we have over NINETY (90) applicants for the IMPACT TEAM PROGRAM! Creating TEAMS at EVERY location is now not only possible but is even challenging because there are so many wonderfully qualified applicants!
If this is any indication of the future, there are GREAT things in store for the George N. Parks Drum Major Academy®!