In just a few days, I’ll be leaving the mountains of Asheville, NC for my 2007 DMA roadtrip. I’ve got to tell you, I look forward to the summer all year long. It’s been an annual thing for me since my first year as an IMPACT at the UMass site back in 2000. My recent graduation and the fact that I had no idea where I would be working until just a few weeks ago has left this summer a light one for me…only two camps, and they’re rather early…but I could not imagine a summer without George N. Parks and the rest of the family.
So I’m running around getting all of the sunblock (SPF Gazillion, please), shampoo, and shower shoes that I’ll be needing. I’ve scraped a little bit of the rust off of my mace chops. All that’s left is packing my clothes, and then I can look forward to working with some great drum majors in the coming weeks.
Whichever camp you’re going to this summer, I hope you have a ton of fun…just make sure you bring your sunblock.